Do your allergies worsen as you set foot in the office? Learn about how deep carpet cleaning can help you find allergy relief at work.

After a long season of wet boots and stagnant warm air breading all sorts of bacteria, a deep carpet cleaning is just what’s needed to rejuvenate the office.

You pull out the cleaning supplies and sing along to your favorite tune as you dust, vacuum, and polish away. Or, maybe you work for a large office with its own cleaning staff.

The crew has done their routine and everything is spruced up for a new season. Or is it?

Taking a Closer Look

Carpeting is like a sponge, and like a giant air filter on the floor, allergens and dust mites can get trapped in its fibers. 

As your carpet is walked on, microscopic debris gets grounded deeper, or even worse, cycled back into the air you breathe.

This is why most experts recommend having your carpets professionally cleaned approximately every three to four months.

This is especially important as the seasons change. While the change of season is exciting for most people, being able to enjoy all spring has to offer is not a reality for everyone.

As the Seasons Change

Headaches, sinus pressure, stuffed noses, watery eyes, and migraines sound like the symptoms of the flu we’ve all been trying so hard to avoid. Imagine your week when the flu or a cold hits you. Miserable, right? Well, that is the sad reality for weeks or even months for some.

Allergy symptoms can cause people to miss more work than actually being sick. Indoor air quality is extremely important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and is especially important to those suffering from seasonal allergies.

Testing has shown that indoor air quality can be worse than the air outside. When you think about the daily disturbance of that germ-filled carpet sponge that hasn’t been deep cleaned yet, it makes sense.

It’s aggressive and readily inhaled. We all know the health hazards of breathing mold spores; asthma attacks, lung irritation, and allergic reactions to name a few. Carpeting just happens to be the perfect environment to house mold.

What’s Hiding In Your Carpets & Rugs

Let’s think about the things mold needs to breed: Moisture. Check. Thanks to the winter weather we have plenty of that. A food source and place to grow. Again, check, check. Lastly, mold needs oxygen which, of course, we have as well.

Mold spores are floating in the air, and when they find a perfect place to live – your carpet – they nestle in. Two days of moisture is all that is needed for mold to start to multiply and grow.

Our office carpet may be perfect for the mold spores, but not so perfect for us. The standard vacuum just cannot rid us of mold. If anything, it stirs up the surrounding air and makes the situation worse. What is the answer to all of these seasonal allergens? Deep carpet cleaning.

How Deep Carpet Cleaning Works

Regular vacuuming won’t cut it. Only the strong suction power of a professional deep carpet cleaning service can extract deeply embedded allergens and bacteria.

Find a certified technician and schedule regular deep cleanings to restore and preserve the original beauty and quality of your carpets.

Whether you’re in Manhattan or Brooklyn, finding the a carpet cleaning company will not only maintain the look and feel of your rugs, but also protect the overall wellbeing of your building’s inhabitants.

If you’re interested in learning more about our deep carpet cleaning services, get in touch to schedule a service appointment today!