Organizing the Office Refrigerator in 6 Simple Steps

Organizing the Office Refrigerator in 6 Simple Steps

Tired of finding week-old take out? Reorganize the office refrigerator with these 6 simple steps and regain your professional image! The office refrigerator can be a scary place. There are containers that look more like science experiments than food.Was that a salad...
A 5-Minute History of Green Cleaning

A 5-Minute History of Green Cleaning

Lately you’ve seen more green cleaning solutions than ever before. As you start reading labels and researching, you realize there’s a lot more to being “green” than you anticipated.  If you’re curious to learn the history of green cleaning, then buckle up. The...
Finding Allergy Relief through Carpet Cleaning

Finding Allergy Relief through Carpet Cleaning

Do your allergies worsen as you set foot in the office? Learn about how deep carpet cleaning can help you find allergy relief at work. After a long season of wet boots and stagnant warm air breading all sorts of bacteria, a deep carpet cleaning is just what’s...